Fit For You – A quick way to love five pounds No. 6

by Scott Rejholec

With summer right around the corner, many people are scrambling to lose that extra 5 pounds.

If you exercise or not, there’s an easy way to do it, but are you mentally there?

So what’s the easy way to lose that five pounds? Well, it’s cutting out the added sugars. Ah yes, the sugars. I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but heck, its true!

What are examples of the sugars to cut out, and why? The obvious is soda, energy drinks, candy, cookies and ice cream.

But the not so obvious is fruit juice.

Let’s get into the why you should cut out the sugars. Sugar is a form of carbohydrate, and is quickly available for energy.

When consumed, blood sugar (glucose) levels spike, which in turn causes insulin levels to rise.

Insulin is a hormone released by your body that moves glucose from the bloodstream into the cells for use as fuel. If sugar is not quickly utilized for energy it gets stored into body fat through a process known as lipogenesis.

What’s the reason behind juice? Fruit is good for you, yes. However, 90 percent of the juices sold in stores are not real juice.

Without the whole fruit, juice doesn’t have the same amount of fiber, even if it is “made with real fruit.”

Without the fiber, juice has the same effect of a soda in regards to spiking your blood sugar. If you really want juice, buy fruit and take the time to juice it.

Lastly, let’s talk about diet sodas. Plain and simple, they are not good for you. Actually they’re worse than regular soda. The reason they are “zero” calories is because they are made up of artificial sugars that your body does not know how to break down. At the same time, it has the same effect of spiking your blood sugar.

By cutting out added sugars, I guarantee you will see that five pounds gone within two weeks.

I know for some this is going to be really hard, but as mentioned in previous articles, write down your goal and put it somewhere you see it every day.

Let it be a reminder to you of why you want to achieve that goal. Whether you find motivation in looking or feeling better for yourself, living longer with your spouse, or seeing your kids and grandkids grow up, stop making excuses and do it.

If you have any questions, comments, or want to see a specific topic be presented in these articles, please feel free to follow “Fit For You Sheboygan Falls” on Facebook as I will be posting my articles, videos and other health related topics on there.

As always, make it a great day!